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Sumber Global Energy (SGER) Business Diversification into Nickel Sector

Tue 21 Jun 2022, 09:45 AM



PT Sumber Global Energy Tbk (SGER) has made efforts to diversify its business into the nickel metal sector. Although this year's nickel trading activity has been running, SGER management still sees that the coal segment still dominates this year's revenue.  President Director of Sumber Global Energy, Welly Thomas explained, his party diversified sales by starting nickel metal sales in the first quarter of 2022 through PT Sumber Mineral Global Abadi and will have a good sales growth impact for SGER.

“Regarding the sale of nickel metal, this year the company is trying to start trading nickel in Sulawesi. In this 5th month, we have started shipping to the OSS and Virtue Dragon smelters," he explained in a virtual public expose, Tuesday (21/6).  Willy explained that after starting to diversify into nickel metal, SGER's sales composition will still be dominated by coal  trading .

However, for this nickel business, Willy hopes that with his excellence and experience in trading he is confident that he can develop the nickel business well in the future.  “Even now, we are negotiating with three nickel mines to acquire the mines, so the company is very serious about developing nickel trading. If it is realized, then the investment could reach Rp 100 billion,” said Willy.

In addition to expanding its business portfolio to nickel metal, SGER has also developed a waste to energy pilot project . It acquired PT Jabar Bersih Lestari, which is a Business Entity formed by a Consortium of Companies for the Provision of Regional Waste Processing and Final Processing Infrastructure (TPPAS) from the West Java Provincial Government, together with PT Jasa Sarana as a West Java Province-Owned Enterprise.

The waste to energy project, said Welly, is a Government Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) project involving the West Java Provincial Government, Depok City Government, Bekasi Regency Government, and South Tangerang City Government, and from processing the waste, Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) products will be produced. ) which can be used as alternative energy for combustion.

"This RDF will be purchased by Indocement and we have signed the purchase agreement," he said.  Welly explained that currently the waste to energy project is in the stage of purchasing machines from Europe, especially from Germany. The developments in the field are currently in the cut and fill stage and preparations for waste collection are projected to be realized by the end of June 2022.

“For the initial phase of this project, it is 720 tons per day, then in the second phase it will increase to 2,300 per day. The investment is around US$ 69 million,” he said.  Later, if the RDF project is successful, it will expand to other cities in Indonesia. Welly hopes that this effort can be a success story to turn waste into energy.

Not only that, SGER is also in the stage of exploring renewable energy , namely developing hydrogen peroxide which is expected to be realized as soon as possible. Currently, Sumber Global Energy is still in the feasibility studies (FS) stage. "We think this project has great potential but it will take time for us to make a decision whether to continue or not," he said.


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