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Freeport Wins Award for Its ESG Commitment

Fri 29 Nov 2024, 16:10 PM



Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) recently won an award at the Investor Daily’s 2024 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Appreciation Night.

The award recognized the company’s commitment to implementing ESG principles. 

“PTFI is committed to the ESG principles, including through our commitment to driving long-term sustainability in the environmental and social aspects,” PTFI’s Senior Vice President GeoEngineering & Environmental Ardhin Yuniar said following the awarding ceremony.

The company has adopted a mandatory policy procedure that zeroed in on achieving the environmental and social pillars of ESG. All Freeport Indonesia’s employees and contractors must follow this policy procedure.

“This policy procedure covers the environmental pillar, social performance, and diversity, to name a few,” Ardhin said, while adding that the company provided mandatory training to give its employees a better understanding of ESG principles.

“We also make reports that will then be audited. Hopefully, this can further improve the ESG-driven corporate culture,” Ardhin said.

PTFI had won the “Recognized Commitment ESG Implementation” category that evening. Ardhin has high hopes that the award will motivate the company to become even more committed to ESG principles.

“We hope that we can continue abiding by the ESG principles in our operations. We wish to inspire people and the entire PTFI community, including the communities that live near our operations, so they become more aware of environmental and social aspects. We also would like to continue contributing to this nation,”Ardhin said. 

This marked the second time for Investor Daily to host this awarding ceremony. Investor Daily has partnered with BGK Foundation, which is a community member of the Global Reporting Initiative. BGK Foundation is also a supporting member of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). The awarding ceremony’s winners were based on assessments of their ESG adoption. There were seven categories: Appreciated Circular Economy Report, Appreciated Diversity & Inclusivity Report, Most Appreciated ESG Report, Appreciated Governance ESG Report, ESG Recognized Commitment, Appreciated Environmental ESG Report, and Appreciated Social ESG Report.

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