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13 Oct 2022, 08:00 AM

United Tractors (UNTR) Spends IDR 4.45 Billion on Exploration
PT United Tractors (UNTR) spent IDR 4.45 billion in exploration funds. Exploration activities are carried out for the period July-September 2022. The exploration activity was carried out by a subsidiary, namely PT Suprabari Mapanindo Mineral (SMM). The cost of exploration activities for the July 2022 period was IDR 1.17 billion. Then, the cost of exploration activities for the August 2022 period amounted to IDR 3.28 billion, and the cost of exploration activities for the September 2022 period was IDR 0. So, the total cost of exploration activities for the July-September 2022 period was IDR 4.45 billion. Exploration activities are carried out in the Area of North Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan Province (Kalteng). In the July 2022 period, PT SMM carried out drilling activities with a total of 11 points, and had varying degrees of depth. Furthermore, in august 2022, PT SMM carried out drilling activities with a total of 39 points, and had varying degrees of depth. Exploration activities are carried out by PT SMM assisted by several subcontractors. PT SMM, the holder of a coal mining concession agreement for coal commodities. PT SMM is owned by United Tractors as much as 80.1 percent. Established on June 13, 1991, the articles of association of PT SMM have changed from time to time.Source:
12 Oct 2022, 10:00 AM

European Demand Rises, Adaro Minerals (ADMR) Interested in Expansion
Coal issuer PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk. (ADMR) said that there was an increase in coal demand from Europe. Adaro Minerals Director Heri Gunawan said that his party did see an increase in demand for coal from Europe. The ongoing Russian and Ukrainian wars made European countries look back at coal as a fuel for power generation. "Previously, Europe had reduced the use of thermal coal, but with this condition, they had to find alternative energy sources," said Heri in the ADRO and ADMR Stockbit Event, Tuesday (11/10/2022). He continued, until now ADMR has sold a small amount of its coal to Europe, namely to Spain. In general, ADMR sells as much as 75 percent of coal for export, and 25 percent for domestic. Historically, he continued, ADMR sold a lot of thermal coal to China, Japan, India, and Malaysia. "The focus for ADMR is indeed the Asian market. Japan is our main customer, then China, India, then a little bit in Indonesia, in the Morowali complex," he said. ADMR targets coal production to reach 2.8 million tons to 3.3 million tons this year. In the first semester of 2022, ADMR produced 1.5 million tons of coal, an increase of 7 percent compared to the same period last year or year-on-year (yoy) of 1.43 million tons of coal. As for 2022, the Adaro Group, namely PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk. (ADRO) targets to produce 58 million-60 million tons of coal. As of the first half of 2022, Adaro has produced 28 million tons of coal.Source:
12 Oct 2022, 09:00 AM

Freeport Plans to Build Smelter in Papua After Gresik Smelter Is Completed
PT Freeport Indonesia is looking for opportunities to develop a mineral processing and refining facility, or smelter in Papua, after completing the copper smelter project in Gresik. This was conveyed by the Chairman of the Board & CEO of Freeport Mc-MoRan, Richard C. Adkerson. Currently, Freeport is focusing on completing the construction of its second copper smelter in the Java Integrated Industrial Port Estate (JIIPE) Special Economic Zone, Manyar, Gresik, East Java, which is targeted to be completed in 2024. "In the future, we will look for opportunities to develop processing facilities in Papua. But now the government has warned us to move quickly," he said in a Scientific Oration: Economic Transformation through Downstreaming with Local Wisdom at Cenderawasih University, Papua, some time ago, Thursday (6/10). However, with the Covid-19 pandemic and changes in the supply chain that have occurred in the world, inevitably the target must be delayed. "We are 40% complete, we will be completed in 2024. In the future, there will be our opportunity to build industrial facilities, electrical facilities to support industrial development in Papua. We are committed to doing that," he added. Based on richard's presentation materials, Freeport's new smelter in JIIPE Gresik, East Java, it will be the largest single-line smelter in the world with a copper processing production capacity of up to 1.7 million tons of concentrate per year. The top 5 reef-safe sunscreens for 2022 Freeport will also increase the capacity of its first copper smelter, PT Smelting, which is also in Gresik, from a production of 1 million tons to 1.3 million tons of concentrate per year. In addition, there will also be a precious metal refining facility of 6,000 tons per year. With an investment of US$ 3 billion, until the end of July 2022, it was recorded that the progress of physical development had reached 39.9% with a total cost absorption of around US$ 1.2 billion. Concrete work has almost reached 10% with the absorption of 98% of the Indonesian workforce.Source:
12 Oct 2022, 08:00 AM

Salim Group Enters Coal Business Through BUMI
Salim Group will expand into the coal business. The company owned by billionaire Anthony Salim will enter the coal business through the purchase of shares of PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI). Regarding this corporate action, BUMI will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) today, Tuesday (11/10/2022). In this agenda, BUMI Resources requested the approval of shareholders to increase capital without pre-emptive rights (PMTHMETD) or private placement. In this case, BUMI Resources will increase its shares by 200 billion series C ordinary shares with an exercise price of IDR 120 per share or equivalent to IDR 24 trillion. The shares will also be absorbed by 2 companies controlled by the Hong Kong-based Salim Group, namely Mach Energy Limited (MEL) and Treasure Global Investements Limited (TGIL). Both will own 85% and 15% of the shares released by BUMI Resources, respectively. "MEL and TGIL are parties controlled by Anthony Salim and are companies belonging to the Salim business group," BUMI wrote. Capital Market Observer and Founder of Central Capital Wahyu Tri Laksono responded regarding Salim Group entering BUMI Resources through a private placement. He said that throughout the first semester of 2022, BUMI recorded revenues of USD968.68 million or equivalent to IDR 14.45 trillion (exchange rate of IDR 14,925) an increase of 129.6% from the same period or year-on-year (yoy). In the first semester of 2021, BUMI posted revenues of USD421.86 million or equivalent to IDR 6.02 trillion (exchange rate of IDR 14,285). The net profit recorded by BUMI reached USD167.67 million or equivalent to IDR 2.5 trillion, an increase of 8,768% from USD1.89 million or equivalent to IDR 27 billion in the first half of 2021. "This is clearly a positive sentiment for bumi resources," wahyu said when contacted by MNC Portal, Tuesday (11/10/2022). Di said that since the Covid-19 pandemic and supply chain issues have triggered a global commodity boom, especially in the energy sector, which has increased, including coal. "Although there is currently a price correction and the potential weakening of demand related to the threat of a global recession. But still the energy is sexy. The evidence is that OPEC is now reducing production and triggering a rebound in oil. Europe, which is anti-coal, is actually forced to use coal as well now," he said. He assessed that the main factor in the price increase was because the gap between coal demand and supply was getting bigger. According to him, supply is always static or even declining while demand is getting bigger everywhere. "Well, if Salim comes in this is part of the response to that potential," he said. As is known, BUMI plans to issue 200 billion new shares at a price of IDR 120 per share. This means that if the shareholders agree to the corporate action that provides a dilution effect of up to 58.8%, BUMI will reap fresh funds of up to IDR 24 trillion.Source:
10 Oct 2022, 08:30 AM

Borneo Indobara Won the 2022 GMP Award
A coal mining company from South Kalimantan, PT Borneo Indobara (BIB) managed to get the 2022 Good Mining Engineering (GMP) Implementation Award trophy from the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). The highest award at the GMP event was handed over directly by the Director General of Mineral and Coal, Ridwan Djmalauddin to bib's Director of Operations, R Utoro at the Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, Thursday (29/9). Director of Mineral and Coal Engineering and Environment of the Directorate General of Coal Minerals, Sunindyo Suryo Herdadi stated, this award is an assessment of performance and success in the application of good mining engineering rules in mineral and coal mining business activities. "This activity is also intended to give appreciation and motivation to all mining companies," said Sunindyo. Sunindyo hopes that this activity will motivate mining business actors to continue to apply good mining rules in their mining activities and become a benchmark for the Government regarding the success of fostering supervision of technical and environmental aspects of mining business activities. "We also hope that this activity can increase the motivation of all mining activity actors to continue to carry out mining operations in accordance with the principles of applying good mining engineering rules and become a benchmark for the government for the success of fostering supervision of technical and environmental aspects of mining business activities," hoped Sunindyo. Meanwhile, Ridwan said that good mining technique is an absolute requirement that must be met by mining personnel. "We advise you to continuously maintain and improve performance and be able to become a role model. We invite every mining person to collaborate together to implement Good Mining Practices," said Ridwan. In addition to receiving the highest award trophy, BIB also won other categories of achievements, namely Aspects of Mining Engineering Management Group of business entities holding PKP2B, IUP BUMN, IUP PMA, IUPK coal commodities by winning aditama (gold). An award in the form of gold was also won by BIB in the category of Aspects of Mining Environmental Management. In addition, this Sinar Mas Group subsidiary received a major award (silver) in several aspects, namely Aspects of Mining Safety Management, Aspects of Application of Mineral and Coal Conservation and Aspects of Standardization Management and Mining Services Business. Source:
10 Oct 2022, 08:00 AM

Indonesia Set To Win Big As European Smelters Shut Down
Experts anticipate that nickel prices will remain sluggish for the foreseeable future. After the LME’s (London Metal Exchange) nickel squeeze and because of the war in Ukraine, global supply continues to drop. Adding to these problems are expectations that Indonesia’s current nickel surge will further affect nickel price direction. September and October are typically high points for annual nickel purchases, but the metal could face a rocky road going into Q4.Indonesian Production and its Impact on Nickel PricesIn the beginning of September, MetalMiner commented that Nickel prices began rising at the beginning of the month. This seemed to indicate the potential for a nickel price reversal to the upside. Indonesia, one of the world’s top nickel producers, could benefit significantly from such a move. Indeed, roughly 23.7% of all of the world’s nickel product comes from Indonesia. And in the past year alone, the country produced 814,000 tonnes of nickel. The country also pulls in over $20 billion annually from steel and steel-related products.Of course, smelter shutdowns in places like Europe and China make Indonesia an attractive nickel alternative. Many feel that Indonesian companies have a golden opportunity on their hands, especially after the LME’s March nickel squeeze. There also continues to be a growing demand for nickel in electronics. The metal’s use in things like batteries helps drive this demand, but it is also keeping the nickel price trends within support and resistance for the moment.Nickel Price TrendsNickel prices managed to bounce after declining sharply in the early summer. But after the LME nickel shut down in March, nickel volume levels declined significantly. At that point, there was no sign of the LME returning to pre-shutdown levels (where they were in February of 2022) and the LME nickel price reflected this.And while volumes remain low, this didn’t stop the price action from bouncing nickel back up from a sharp downtrend. For the time being, nickel remains in a sideways trend firmly between resistance and support. Unfortunately, this also means there is no clear direction to either side. In the long term, experts, traders, and nickel buyers are eager to see a definable trendSource:
07 Oct 2022, 10:00 AM

Petrosea (PTRO) Pursues Gold Project Mining Contract
Mining contractor pt Petrosea Tbk. (PTRO) continues to strive to develop its business by carrying out a number of expansions, such as gold mining. Head of Corporate Secretary of PTRO Anto Broto said, currently there are various strategic initiatives that petrosea continues to implement which have been proven to have supported the company in recording solid performance on an ongoing basis. "The business expansion carried out by Petrosea also continues to strengthen the company's optimism to develop into a sustainable resource company that supports the development of the mining sector in Indonesia," he said in a press statement, Thursday (29/9/2022). One form of business expansion in the coal sector is the signing of a mining service agreement with PT Indo Bara Pratama in September 2022 with a value of IDR 2.89 trillion and a period of five years. Meanwhile, in the gold sector, one of the realizations of the implementation of Petrosea's diversification strategy is the acquisition of a contract from PT Santana Rekso Nindhana for EPCM services in a tailings management project at a gold mine owned by PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals (NHM) in July 2022, with a contract value of IDR 3.6 trillion for five years including infrastructure development. "Until now, the company continues to accelerate the completion of the tailings infrastructure construction so that it is targeted to enter the production stage in the near future. In the future, Petrosea is expected to work on other gold mining service projects in Indonesia," he said. In the nickel sector, Petrosea has signed a contract with PT Cipta Djaya Selaras Mining for pit-to-port mining services and mining infrastructure development with a contract value of IDR 1.58 trillion for four years. The project has entered the stage of completion of construction for road and infrastructure construction with a production target by the end of 2022. In carrying out its business, Petrosea is fully supported by Haji Romo Nitiyudo Wachjo who is the majority shareholder of one of the largest gold mines in Indonesia, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals and PT Caraka Reksa Optima who is the main shareholder of PT Petrosea Tbk."In the future, Petrosea's strategy is to continue to carry out business diversification into other mineral sectors through the provision of mining and engineering services, procurement & construction (EPC) on an ongoing basis," added Anto. In addition, Petrosea's long-term strategy is to reposition from previously a mining contractor to a mine owner in order to strengthen the company's performance and provide added value for all stakeholders in the future. Recently, PTRO has also completed the mandatory share tender offer process carried out by PT Caraka Reksa Optima (CARA) as the main shareholder of Petrosea has ended on September 23, 2022, where the results of the mandatory tender offer reached 89.90 perden shares. After the mandatory tender offer period ends, petrosea's shareholder composition becomes PT Caraka Reksa Optima which owns 89.80 percent of the shares and the public which owns 10.20 percent of the shares.Source:
07 Oct 2022, 09:00 AM

United Tractors (UNTR) Mining Contractor Performance Rises, Gold Sales Fall
The coal and gold business of PT United Tractors Tbk. (UNTR) experienced a decrease in production and sales volumes until year to date (ytd) until August 2022. In the mining contractor business run by PT Pamapersada Nusantara (PAMA), this issuer coded UNTR shares recorded a decrease in production volume of 72 million tons of coal for 8 months in 2022. This production volume decreased by 8.51 percent, from coal production in the same period last year of 78.7 million tons. Meanwhile, on a month-to-month (mtm) basis, PAMA's coal production in the August 2022 period was 11.3 million tons, an increase from 10.5 million tons in July 2022. In addition, PAMA also recorded 607.4 million bank cubic meters (bcm) of surface layer stripping or overburden (OB) removal until August YTD, 2022. This number is up from last year's OB production of 558.6 bcm. Meanwhile, in August alone, the company's OB volume was recorded at 88.2 million bcm, from 82.4 million bcm in July 2022. In the coal trading business through its subsidiary PT Tuah Turangga Agung (TTA), UNTR posted a sales volume of 7.3 million tons of coal year to date until August 2022, down 1.63 percent from the same period in 2021 of 7.42 million tons. Sales in August 2022 fell to 727,000 tons, from 765,000 tons in July 2022. Meanwhile, in the gold business line through PT Agincourt Resources, UNTR sold 192,474 gold equivalent ounces (GEOs) until August 2022 on a YTD basis. This number is down 16.6 percent from the same period last year of 230,854 GEOs. The company's gold sales volume in August 2022 decreased with sales in July 2022, which was 24,000 GEOs, from 25,000 GEOs in July 2022.Source:
07 Oct 2022, 08:00 AM

PTBA Continues to Digitize Mining Operations
PT Bukit Asam Tbk (IDX: JK: PTBA) continues to digitize mining operations, where since 2020, PTBA has a CISEA (Corporate Information System and Enterprise Application) application to monitor mining activities in real time via mobile phones. PTBA Corporate Secretary, Apollonius Andwie revealed, digital transformation is part of PTBA's steps to carry out Good Mining Practice. "The use of digital technology also increases efficiency and business continuity," explained Apollonius, as reported by a press release, Monday (3/10/2022). The CISEA application integrates several systems at once, namely Automation & SCADA System Integration, Bukit Asam Mine Dispatch Optimation System, Automatic Train Loading Station, Slope Stability Radar (SSR), Digital Telemetry, Integrated Water Monitoring System (SPARING), to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Explained, with the integration of SCADA in the CISEA platform, mileage is not a problem to carry out software maintenance, trouble shooting, and analysis of the control system at PTBA. Data analysis is easier and more accurate because all operational data is stored automatically and in real time. Through the Bukit Asam Mine Dispatch Optimation System, mining productivity and efficiency can be improved. Production data, real time performance of units and operators, losstime, fuel consumption, monitoring unit positions (loaders, haulers, ancillaries), unit status, real time estimation of mine line conditions, operational safety, water monitoring, rain monitoring are all available on mobile phones. Then with the Automatic Train Loading Station, the filling and weighing of coal to the train car is carried out automatically and can be monitored with a mobile phone. The process time of filling coal to the train car is faster. The capacity of coal production from the mine site to the port is also greater than that of competitors. Meanwhile, the SSR monitors the slopes of the mine in real time and in detail. SSR is able to detect small movements that are not detected by other monitoring tools. That way, the conservation of coal resources can be increased and the cost of the risk of landslides is minimized. There is also Digital Telemetry which provides real-time rainfall data through CISEA. Then SPARING gives an early warning if there are water quality deviations that do not meet quality standards. Apollonius added that the CISEA application helps CSR distribution to be more targeted by providing data on vulnerable groups from social mapping results, accelerating the evaluation of assistance provision, and providing comparative data on the accuracy of CSR fund distribution. "PTBA has received Copyright recognition from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia for the CISEA application with a protection period of 50 years since it was announced," he said. A number of awards were received by PTBA thanks to the achievements of digital operational transformation.Even, Vice President of Information Technology of PTBA, Satria Wirawan in 2021 received the Satyalancana Wira Karya award from the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo for his innovation in the use of digital technology for mining. In addition, Satria also received the Dharma Karya Energi dan Sumber Mineral award from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in 2020. Source:
06 Oct 2022, 10:00 AM

BUMI Subsidiaries won 25 awards from MEMR
PT BUMI Resources Tbk. (BUMI) through its business units PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) and PT Arutmin Indonesia (Arutmin) won a prestigious and prestigious award at the Good Mining Practices Award 2022 event organized by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia (ESDM). The awards received by KPC 8 awards and Arutmin 17 awards, including Trophy: Aspects of Engineering Management, Aspects of Environmental Management, Aspects of The Application of Mineral and Coal Conservation, Group of Business Entities Holding PKP2B, IUP, and IUPK Coal Commodities (KPC). Bumi Adika President Director Nuraga Bakrie is honored and happy for the 2022 Good Mining Engineering Implementation Achievement Award given by the Directorate General of Minerals and Coal, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) RI. "This provides additional evidence that the BUMI group is committed to implementing the best mining rules in the management of technical aspects, coal conservation, environment, mining safety as well as standardization and service business," he said, quoted in an official statement, Monday (3/10/2022). Adika added that the various awards won are expected to spur BUMI Group to perform even better in the future. Aditama Award for Technical Management Aspects, Environmental Management Aspects, Conservation Management Aspects, and Mineral and Coal Mining Safety Management Aspects, Group of Business Entities Holding PKP2B, IUP, and Coal Commodity IUPK (Arutmin Site Batulicin). Furthermore, the Main award for Aspects of Standardization Management and Service Business, Aspects of Engineering Management, Aspects of Safety Management, Aspects of Conservation Implementation, and Aspects of Environmental Management of Mineral and Coal Mining, Group of Business Entities Holding PKP2B, IUP, and IUPK coal commodities (Arutmin Site Satui). There is also a Pratama award for Aspects of Engineering Management, Aspects of Safety Management, Aspects of Standardization Management and Service Business, and Aspects of Environmental Management of Mineral and Coal Mining, Groups of Business Entities Holding PKP2B, IUP, and IUPK coal commodities (Arutmin Site Asamasam, Arutmin Site Kintap, Arutmin Site Batulicin and Arutmin Site Senakin).Source:


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