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27 Oct 2022, 10:00 AM

Coal Demand in Europe, Bumi Resources (BUMI) Is Still Focusing on the Existing Market
PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) has made the existing target market a top priority in the midst of developing European market opportunities.Director and Corporate Secretary of BUMI, Dileep Srivastava said, his party is still focusing on meeting coal supply to existing customers."Rainfall continues to be high, the availability of coal supply is currently quite tight, making it difficult to meet the demand from the European Union for the time being," said Dileep when contacted by (23/10).As previously reported by, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that coal exports to the European Union reached $ 161.69 million in September 2022. This amount increased by 68.05% from coal exports to the European Union in August 2022 which amounted to US$ 96.21 million.In addition to growing on a monthly basis, the realization of coal exports to the European Union in September was also touted as the highest export value in the last year."Coal exports to the European Union of US$ 161.69 million, from our export records, are the highest value in the last four years," said Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics of BPS, Setianto in reading the results of the trade balance in September 2022, Monday (17/10) at the Central BPS office, Jakarta.Meanwhile, BUMI's target market is more targeting the Asian market. BUMI's annual report in 2021 stated that as much as 62% of BUMI's total coal production in 2021 was absorbed by the international market, while the remaining 38% was absorbed by the domestic market. In detail, the international market in question consists of China as much as 29%, India 10% and Japan 8%."When our production starts to normalize later, we can only consider new target markets," said DIleep.Until the end of 2022, BUMI will pursue a coal production target of 70 million - 78 million tons. During January-June 2022, BUMI has posted coal production of 34.5 million tons, down around 14% compared to the realization of January-June 2021 which reached 40.1 million tons.Meanwhile, the realization of BUMI's coal sales volume reached 33.8 million tons in January-June 2022, shrinking by 16% compared to the realization of the January-June 2021 period which reached 40.2 million tons.Even so, the decrease in sales volume by 16% was successfully offset by an increase in the average selling price (ASP) of 92% on an annual basis or year-on-year (YoY) in January-June 2022.As a result, BUMI's financial performance was boosted. The company's audited interim financial statements show that BUMI's revenue rose 129.62% on an annual basis from THE original US$ 421.86 million in the first half of 2021 to US$ 968.68 million in the first half of 2022.From the revenue, BUMI pocketed the Current Period Profit attributable to the Owners of the Parent Entity, aka net profit of US$ 167.67 million. This amount increased by 8768.17% compared to the realization of the first semester of 2021 which amounted to US$ 1.89 million.Image source: KONTAN/Kenia IntanSource:
27 Oct 2022, 09:00 AM

Chakra Jawara Launches Iveco T-Way, Truck for The Most Extreme Offroad Terrain
PT Chakra Jawara officially markets the Iveco T-Way truck for the most extreme offroad terrain in Indonesia. The launch was carried out to meet the increasing demand for heavy trucks in line with infrastructure development which is the main focus of the government.President Director of PT Chakra Jawara Teophilus Bambang Wira said, the automotive market in Indonesia is currently getting better, including in the heavy truck sector. Gaikindo data shows that heavy truck sales in Indonesia in the first semester of 2022 reached 11,657 units."The ongoing infrastructure development also gives hope that the need for heavy equipment, including heavy trucks, will continue. This is one of the reasons we launched the latest Iveco T-Way series," said Teophilus in a written statement, quoted on Monday (24/10/2022).He revealed that Indonesia is the first country in Asia to launch the latest Iveco T-Way series. He also emphasized that PT Chakra Jawara is committed to being the best integrated truck solution provider in Indonesia.To get closer to customers throughout Indonesia, PT Chakra Jawara in addition to having its head office in Jakarta, also has eight branch offices in Balikpapan, Samarinda, Kuala Kencana, Kendari, Muara Enim, Curug, Banjarmasin, and Surabaya"In addition, we also have 12 support sites in Meulaboh, Bengkulu, Banyuwangi, Batu Hijau, Wetar, Nunukan, Berau, Batu Kajang, Morowali, Sorowako, and Timika," said Teophilus.The operations of PT Chakra Jawara are also supported by 235 technicians, three rebuild shops, three training centers, mobile services, truck recondition programs, part exchange component programs, and contract service for fleet customers.Meanwhile, Head of Asia Region Iveco Koray Kursunoglu said, the launch of Iveco T-WAY adds to the long footprint of travel in Indonesia. Together with Chakra Jawara as a partner in Indonesia, Iveco continues to strive to be the most reliable and best vehicle provider for consumers by continuing to improve the experience, especially for commercial vehicles."This vehicle is designed and built to complete the most demanding tasks in the most extreme conditions. The Iveco T-WAY also allows consumers to operate trucks with more advanced, tougher and more robust technology," Koray said.SEA & Japan Iveco Business Director Michelangelo Amelia appreciated the cooperation that has been established with PT Chakra Jawara for 22 years since 2000 to market IVECO products in the Indonesian market."Indonesia is an important market for us and we hope that in the near future Iveco can be even more advanced in the Indonesian market. We are committed to continuing to bring the best products with the latest technology that emphasizes performance and reliability," said Amelia.Iveco trucks are widely used for various needs ranging from the mining, gas, and petroleum industries, construction, logistics, forestry, and special vehicles such as firefighting and others. For Indonesia there are three types of trucks offered with horsepower ratings ranging from 290HP -550HP.Image source: investor.idSource:
27 Oct 2022, 08:00 AM

Optimization of Coal Utilization, PT CBE Appoints Local Consortium to Build Coal Processing Plant
Having a coal supply contract exclusively to the Sumsel-1 Mine Mouth Power Plant (MT), PT Cakra Bumi Energi (CBE) immediately moved quickly. Especially for the construction of Coal Processing Plant (CPP) facilities.For the CPP construction process, PT CBE appointed a consortium of PT Nusatama Berkah Tbk. and PT Unggul Ejawantah Industri as the contractor for the construction of the CPP. This was stated in the Signing Ceremony of the Head of Agreement Coal Processing Plant Construction in Jakarta, Thursday (20/10/2022).Bomba Group CEO, Todotua Pasaribu said the CPP is a series of major projects, namely the Sumsel-1 2x350 power plant project. Bomba Group is also in its power plant as the owner of the transmission. According to him, this event is also a form of Bomba Group's commitment to synergize with other companies in the development of coal projects."We are committed to this development, in line with the desire to advance the region, especially in the South Sumatra region, especially since this coal will later be supplied to the Sumsel-1 coal-fired power plant," said Todotua Pasaribu in his statement, Thursday (20/10)Meanwhile, director of PT CBE, Rudolf Tulus explained that his party is ready to join hands with domestic companies to be able to collaborate on a large project. "In the process of building the CPP facility, we will collaborate with PT Nusatama Berkah Tbk. and PT Unggul Ejahwantah Industri," said Sirait.At the Signing Ceremony, the Head of Agreement Coal Processing Plant Construction was attended by President Director of Bomba Group, Adios Purnama, Vice President Director of Bomba Group, Alvin Reynaldi Setiawan, CEO of Bomba Group, Todotua Pasaribu, President Director of PT Nusatama Berkah Tbk, Ir. Bambang Susilo and representatives of PT Unggul Ejawantah Industri, Ir. Ismu Prasetyo.It is known that PT Cakra Bumi Energi (CBE) is an Operating Company of Bomba Group which is engaged in the Energy sector. And Bomba Group itself also has a minority stake in the MT Sumsel-1 power plant, while the majority of the shares are owned by Shenhua Group, which is a Chinese state-owned enterprise.The Commercial Operation Date (COD) plan of PLTU MT Sumsel-1 based on the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is in the fourth quarter of 2023 and the COD CPP target in the second quarter of 2023," Tulus explained.Further explained, the coal production plan for supply to pltu MT Sumsel-1 amounts to approximately four (4) million tons annually during the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) contract period between PLTU MT Sumsel-1 and PLN. "We have not been able to disclose the value of the CPP facility construction contract for the time being," he said.Tulus also added that PT CBE has planned a mining method that prioritizes environmental sustainability and there is a plan to build a solar power plant around the site for PT CBE's internal needs."The projection of TKDN or local content in this project is in the range of 82-88% and is also projected to absorb local workers up to 100 people," Tulus concluded.On the same occasion, the President Director of PT Nusatama Berkah Tbk, Ir. Bambang Susilo expressed his gratitude for the opportunity given to the consortium to carry out CPP development work in Muara Enim, South Sumatra."This CPP is very important for the operation of the Sumsel-1 coal-fired power plant, which is now 70 percent of construction. We will carry out this mandate as well as possible. Our company is also quite experienced, and the area in South Sumatra is also quite familiar," said Bambang.Image Source: investor.idSource:
26 Oct 2022, 10:00 AM

Operating Smelter, Kapuas Prima Coal (ZINC) Boosts Lead Production
The lead smelter of PT Kapuas Prima Coal Tbk (ZINC) began operating in June 2022. The issuer of zinc base metal producers will boost galena mineral production after the processing plant or smelter appreciates.To note, galena is the main ore containing lead and zinc which is found in many igneous and metamorphic rocks. Later, galena will be processed into lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) concentrates.ZINC Director Evelyne Kioe said this lead smelter is the first and only one in Indonesia. The company is aiming to produce thousands of tons of lead as an initial stage."We target this year that this lead smelter can produce up to 8,000 tons of lead bullion (Pb), with a sales target from the smelter reaching USD29 million," evelyne said in her statement, Thursday (20/10/2022).Until the end of September, the company's zinc concentrate production this year reached 15,311.67 tons, aka still dominating compared to the same period the previous year of 19,141.09 tons.Meanwhile, lead concentrate production was 5,687.98 tons, lower than the same period last year of 7,229.70 tons.Reflecting on 2021, the company produced zinc concentrate as much as 28,978.80 tons, lower than in 2020 which was 39,974.04 tons. The production of lead concentrate in 2021 was 12,021.79 tons, lower than 2020 which was 12,658.68 tons.Image source:
26 Oct 2022, 09:00 AM

Indonesian Coal Well demanded in Europe
Indonesia's coal sells well. Since the Russian-Ukrainian war took place, European countries have sought substitution for their coal imports to Indonesia. It is noted that until now, those who order coal from Indonesia continue to grow.In September 2022, Indonesian coal orders came from several European countries such as Poland, the Netherlands, Greece, Spain and Germany. Most recently, the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) noted that Indonesia also exports coal to Slovenia."I don't know exactly about the additional exports because they are Bussines to Bussines (B to B). In fact, there are also shipments to countries such as Greece, Slovenia, although there are not many," said Hendra Sinadia, Executive Director of APBI to CNBC Indonesia, Monday (24/10/2022).Previously, in September 2022, in the UNOFFICIAL APBI, the number of coal exports from Indonesia to European countries reached 3.5 million tons to 4 million tons. Exports to Europe with this amount, said Hendra became the first largest in history.Hendra said, compared to previous years, the volume of Indonesian coal exports to Europe is usually less than 1 million tons per year. "Of course, there is a significant increase in the number. This is not an official figure yet, if indeed the amount (4 million tons) is the largest (in history)," explained Hendra to CNBC Indonesia, Tuesday (4/9/2022).Hendra cannot say for sure which European countries order coal from Indonesia. What is clear is that the news obtained by Hendra, Indonesia's coal exports to European countries were sent to Poland, the Netherlands, Greece, Spain to Germany. "Exactly how much is reported to be 3.5 million tons - 4 million tons," said HendraImage source: Dok: Black Diamond ResourcesSource:
24 Oct 2022, 08:00 AM

Industry Players Confusion: Tin Exports Ban
Tin entrepreneurs or miners and tin exporters were shocked and confused over the government's plan to impose a ban on tin exports. The government will stop tin exports and ask to develop downstreaming by 2023.Chairman of the Indonesian Tin Exporters Association (AETI), Jabin Sufianto said, that currently tin exports carried out by Indonesian entrepreneurs or miners have been purified through the process of processing and refining facilities (smelters).The content or content of tin that has been exported reaches 99.99% or Tin Ingot Sn 99.99. "What I said is that we can already produce up to 99.99%. So we are confused, it is said that there are still downstream products in terms of ESDM, because it means that it can still be optimized, is there any added value, right? What does he mean to pursue? 0.01?" said Jabin to CNBC Indonesia in the Mining Zone, Quoted on Thursday (13/10/2022).Jabin stated that so far the exports carried out have been in the process of integrated smelters. Therefore, when there is a plan to ban tin exports with downstreaming, it questions what the downstreaming in question looks like."We are confused, frankly, we are miners we are an integrated smelter. So we mine we have a smelter melted and it has been refinancing so how many sets, so our product is 99.99% which is also world standard and others," said Jabin.On the plan to ban exports, Jabin stated that the government has not involved business actors and academics who fully understand the world of estimation.So he assessed that the ban on exports and downstream development in the country would be very ineffective if there was no road map. "This will be banned from exports only. Instead of what, this ban on tin exports is always in line with bauxite. There are always raw words," Jabin said.The Minister of Investment or Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Bahlil Lahadalia said that in 2023, the government will ban tin exports abroad."If tin is likely next year, we will no longer do raw exports because we will do downstreaming," explained Bahlil when met, Tuesday (11/10/2022).The reason for stopping tin exports, said Bahlil, is because Indonesia is the 2nd largest tin producer in the world after China. Well, to develop the value of tin exports, it is necessary to carry out downstreaming for this tin sector."Because earlier, the President has conveyed that downstreaming is the key word for national economic resilience. We are behind the uncertainty of the global economy," Bahlil said.Previously, said Bahlil, although Indonesia became the country with the 2nd largest tin producer in the world, Indonesia was considered unable to play its role in determining the price of tin in the world.This happened because so far, tin exports carried out by Indonesia are only raw goods. Therefore, in order to be strong and can be a determinant of tin prices in the world, Indonesia will carry out downstreaming in the tin sector."More ironically, the price of tin is controlled by the state not producing tin, this is funny, it's magical, it's bin Abu Nawas' theory, which we don't tolerate going forward and we have to start (downstreaming)," Bahlil explained.Bahlil described that, today the world's first largest producer of tin is China. Where, China has downstreamed 50% to 70% in its country. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, downstreaming has only reached 5%.Image source: REUTERS/StringerSource:
21 Oct 2022, 10:00 AM

ATS Appreciates PT Vale to Support Vocational Training Program
PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. received appreciation from the management of the Sorowako Academy of Engineering (ATS) for its commitment to providing support to vocational training programs.The appreciation was conveyed by the Director of ATS, Harjuma, at the Open Senate Meeting in the Context of the Graduation of XXIX Diploma III of the ATS Machine Maintenance and Repair Study Program, Saturday (15/10/2022) at the Onte Luwu Building, Sorowako. According to him, PT Vale has a very large contribution in encouraging the improvement of the quality of students.One of them is realized through the collaboration of PT Vale, ATS and the East Luwu Regency Government (Pemkab) through the Manpower and Transmigration Service in an effort to develop appropriate technology (TTG). The output of this collaboration is the fabrication of agricultural machinery or machine tools (alsintan) that have been used by beneficiaries of community empowerment programs."Thank you and the greatest appreciation for the cooperation that has been established between ATS and PT Vale and the East Luwu Regional Government in order to assemble machines to support the needs of community empowerment programs," said Harjuma.Several machines that have been assembled by ATS to support community development and empowerment (PPM) programs since 2021 until now, including work equipment for assisted farmers, such as grass pullers (pattora), hoe sickles, machetes, weed weeding tools (gasrok), cultivators/handtracktors, compost boxes, and chopper machines. In addition, the repair of three-wheeled motors, out of a total of 60 items of alsintan including operational support for the HIPHO Healthy Home, such as rhizome slicers, shredding machines, drying ovens, and others.PT Vale's Senior Manager of Social Development Program (SDP), Ardian Indra Putra, said there are many benefits of the synergistic program model that has been running at this time, such as improving the skills of students through the training provided."We hope that the benefits of this synergy can be more because the training side of course this will add skills. The campus also carries out community service. Meanwhile, from the community side, the beneficiaries of the program (the government and PPM PT Vale). It also feels very helpful if its high-cost alsintan can be repaired again, produced new, and even obtained education or manuals for the use and maintenance of tools. So that it can also reduce the burden of government program spending while boosting the regional innovation index," he said.He revealed that the output of the Vocational Short Training, which was initiated by the East Luwu Regency Government since 2008, is also expected to not only encourage the competitiveness of young people who are ready to work in various companies. More than that, it has the opportunity to grow independence, for example through vocational skill-based entrepreneurship."In the 2022 Musrenbang, the Regent of East Luwu stated that it would be more strategic to encourage the agricultural and tourism sectors as the leading contributors to the district's GRDP in the future. This vocational initiative is in line with these opportunities," he said.Image source: rakyatku.comSource:
21 Oct 2022, 09:00 AM

MIND ID Supports The Transitional Steps to Use Electric Vehicles
The use of vehicles in Indonesia today, is increasing, both two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles. In supporting energy security in the transportation sector, the Government is aggressively encouraging the development of electric vehicles to support the achievement of clean and environmentally friendly energy.Currently, electric vehicles are used as an alternative solution that can reduce carbon emissions and become an environmentally friendly solution in energy use in the transportation sector. Electric vehicles are also one of the solutions in anticipating the impact of the energy crisis.In line with this, MIND ID, mining industry Indonesia as a state-owned mining industry holding, also supports the acceleration of the electric vehicle program within the MIND ID Group.MIND ID will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with PT WIKA Industri Manufaktur (WIMA) in terms of supporting the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle acceleration program, on the sidelines of the SOE International Conference &Expo 2022: Driving Sustainable and Inclusive Growth which will be held on October 17-18, 2022.This acceleration program is in the form of the utilization of electric motorcycles with the Gesits brand which is the work of the nation's children under the auspices of WIMA.President Director of MIND ID, Hendi Prio Santoso, who had the opportunity to hold the start flag when the test ride started, said that the synergy and cooperation that will be established between MIND ID and WIMA is a tangible form for accelerating the transition of Electric-Based Vehicles in Indonesia. MIND ID is fully committed to supporting a more environmentally friendly energy transition."The acceleration of the transition of Electric Vehicles in Indonesia is in line with mind ID's sustainability pathway and also the sustainable development goals (SDGs), especially on the pillars of handling climate change," said Hendi in a written statement, Sunday (10/16/2022).On this occasion, on the sidelines of the Coordination Meeting of the Deputy Minister 1 of the Ministry of SOEs, mind ID's Director of Operations and Portfolio, Danny Praditya, participated in trying out the Gesits electric motor. Danny admitted to being impressed by Gesits. "The Bike is Agile, good in acceleration, noiseless when riding and certainly environmentally friendly," said Danny.Previously last September, MIND ID had made a visit to the UK and signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Arrival Ltd, a British company engaged in EV microfactory since 2015, which was witnessed directly by the Minister of SOEs, Erick Tohir.MIND ID's commitment in realizing the Battery-based Electric Vehicle Ecosystem is evidenced by the appointment of PT Indonesia Batery Company (IBC) to join the study with Arrival Ltd.The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding includes a Market Study and the feasibility of the Project for the expansion of the electric vehicle business, the feasibility of the Aluminum supply Project and the supply of Batteries for the expansion of the EV business in the Asia Pacific region.MIND ID together with Inalum will be appointed as Global Supply Chain Aluminium and MIND ID Bersama IBC as Global Supply Chain Battery. MIND ID and ARRIVAL will jointly develop Micro Factory for Commercial EV in Indonesia and Southeast Asia with a target market for Commercial EV for "developing countries" which will be based in Jakarta - Indonesia.The development and investment of the Arrival microfactory in Indonesia will certainly also support the government's program in attracting foreign investors to invest in the country.Image source: MIND IDSource:
21 Oct 2022, 08:00 AM

Indonesia Downstream Minerals Are Quite Successful But Domestic Uptake is minimum
The Indonesian Mining Experts Association (Perhapi) assessed that the downstream program for minerals such as nickel and tin was quite successful in boosting state revenues. However, so far, the absorption of value-added mineral products is still not optimal.Perhapi Chairman Rizal Kasli said that so far the downstream steps of mineral and coal are considered quite successful, especially in several commodities such as nickel and tin.Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining mandates that downstreaming is an obligation. The government has also banned the export of raw materials or mineral ore abroad with the aim that downstreaming runs well in Indonesia.It should be noted that according to the Indonesian Standard Classification of Business Fields (KBLI) the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is in charge of downstreaming until it reaches intermediate products and then in the downstream industry, it is the duty of the Ministry of Industry.Especially in nickel commodities, there have been many smelters and refineries to process nickel into products such as Nickel Matte, NPI, FENI and also MHP as raw materials for electric vehicles (EV)."However, because it cannot be absorbed domestically, many of these products are still exported to other countries to be processed into finished products (manufacturing industries)," he explained to, Friday (14/10).So far, there are still several commodities that have not developed downstream, such as iron commodities, especially iron sand. The mineral has not yet developed its processing and refining in Indonesia. Iron sand is generally used for the cement industry.Rizal explained, for iron ore, there have been several smelters built and operating, but the number needs to be increased in order to absorb its products in Indonesia.For bauxite commodities, said Rizal, currently there are only two refineries and one aluminum smelter built and operating in Indonesia. Some are under construction and feasibility studies.Currently, bauxite ore is still exported abroad. While the aluminum raw materials necessary for the domestic forming and manufacturing industries are imported from abroad."Generally, the absorption of mineral derivative products is still very low because there is no industrial ecosystem that can absorb these intermediate products, still far below 50% of domestic absorption. Almost most of these intermediate products are exported abroad," explained Rizal.He gave an overview, in 2020 Nickel Matte (40%-70% Ni) and FeNi (16%-30% Ni) products of 91,200 tons and 2.8 million tons were all exported, respectively. Meanwhile, Indonesia still imports a lot such as stainless steel (slab, HRC, Rod / bar, pipe, tube and wire). Specifically cobalt needs hamper everything is still imported.After the nickel ore ban is implemented in 2020, the Government of Indonesia will encourage a ban on tin mineral ore in the near future. Rizal advised that for the ban on the export of tin (tin ingots) it is necessary to conduct an in-depth study first so that the results are maximum. Perhapi is currently reviewing the matter to provide recommendations to the government in terms of policy."The point is that the development of domestic industries needs to be carried out immediately so that the absorption in the country can be carried out optimally. Likewise for copper and bauxite," Rizal said.For bauxite copper, several companies are and will build their processing domestically such as PT Freeport Indonesia in Gresik. For bauxite in Bintan and West Kalimantan.Image source: KONTAN/Dimas A ShadewoSource:


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