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03 Nov 2022, 10:00 AM

RMK Energy (RMKE) Budgets IDR 350 Billion to Build Hauling Road
PT RMK Energy Tbk (RMKE) has prepared a number of strategies to improve operational performance. The issuer, which is engaged in the sales and supply of coal logistics services, has the ambition to pursue the target of coal service volume of 20 million tons per year and coal sales volume of 5 million tons per year.To support this target, RMKE started ahauling road infrastructure project. In total, there are 2 roads planned to be built in this agenda."The two roads take a total investment of up to IDR 350 billion," RMKE Finance Director Vincent Saputra told (30/10).From this project, one of them will have a length of 20-25 kilometers (km) and be integrated with Gunung Megang Station to open access to potential coal mines in Enim, South Sumatra.The road has started and is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2022."With this integrated infrastructure, RMKE can accelerate the achievement of coal service volume and coal sales volume by 20 million tons per year and 5 million tons per year, respectively," said Vincent.The second road to be built will have a length of 40 km. "(Construction of the second road project) will only begin next year," Vincent added.The source of funding for RMKE'shauling roadinfrastructure project is planned to rely on internal cash, supported by the company's profit achievements last year and this year.A little information, citing the company's financial statements, RMKE posted a net profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent entity of IDR 199.28 billion in 2021.What is clear is that RMKE is eyeing an increase in performance volume with a sales volume target of 2.26 million tons in the coal sales segment and a transportation volume target of 7.82 million tons in 2022.As a comparison, looking at the company's Annual Report, RMKE realized a coal transportation volume of 5.96 million tons in the service segment and posted sales of 1.63 million tons of coal in 2021.During January-September 2022, RMKE has transported 5.46 million tons of coal, an increase of 21.08% compared to the same period last year. This amount is equivalent to 69.78% of this year's target.In terms of the coal sales segment, RMKE has sold 1.62 million tons during January-September 2022, an increase of 38.36% compared to the realization of the same period in 2021. That way, the realization of RMKE's sales volume has reached 71.68% of this year's target.Image source: Dok/RKMESource:
03 Nov 2022, 09:00 AM

MBAP Profit Skyrocketed 237.5 Percent in the Third Quarter
Baramulti Group coal issuer, PT Mitrabara Adiperdana Tbk. (MBAP) posted a net profit of US$164.36 million during the first 9 months of 2022. This figure represents a growth of 237.5 percent, when compared to the report card of US$ 48,858 million in the same period the previous year (year-on-year / yoy).Based on the third quarter of 2022 financial report uploaded on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) page, revenue from contracts with customers increased by 84.8 percent to USD366.06 million.This figure was supported by an increase in sales to related parties, Brooklyn Enterprise Pte Ltd by 264 percent to US$142.5 million. Similarly, sales to third parties, KCH Energy Co Ltd, increased 137 percent to US$126.37 million.This result boosted basic earnings per share to a level of USD0.132 per share, greater than the gain in the current year as of the end of September 2021 which was only US$ 0.04 per share.MBAP's cost of goods swelled 28.4 percent to US$131.53 million followed by gross profit which also jumped 143 percent to US$243.5 million.The company's liabilities were recorded to increase by 62.3 percent compared to the end of 2021 to US$ 93,739 million. In detail, short-term liabilities amounted to US$89.42 million and long-term liabilities amounted to US$4,317 million.The change in the Company's total liabilities amounted to 62 percent of the audited consolidated financial position as of September 30, 2022 due to an increase in operating debt of US$ 6,472,276.Mainly, due to the increase in production costs, as well as an increase in tax debt of US$6,459,656 in line with the increase in profit before tax for the current year."The increase in liabilities was also caused by dividend debt of US$ 42,324,445, which was paid in full on October 3, 2022," MBAP management wrote.Meanwhile, in the third quarter of 2022, equity was recorded to increase by 17.08 percent to US$ 233.26 million. In total, assets rose 27.2 percent to US$327 million.Image source: PT Mitrabara Adiperdana TbkSource:
03 Nov 2022, 08:00 AM

Bahlil Encourages Eramet to Realize Its Investment in Weda Bay
Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia encouraged Eramet, one of the largest mining companies in France, to immediately realize its investment in the construction of a smelter project for battery raw materials.Eramet itself collaborates with BASF, a German chemical company in the Sonic Bay project located in Weda Bay, North Maluku with a total investment of US$ 2.2 billion - US$ 2.5 billion."I hope that the commitment fromErametwill soon realize this project and be able to start construction," said Bahlil quoting a press release, Sunday (30/10/2022).In his meeting with Eramet Senior VP Corporate Affairs &Partnership Pierre-Alain Gautier in London, England, last Thursday (27/10/2022), Bahlil also requested that Eramet could involve local entrepreneurs in realizing its investment in Weda Bay."I only ask for one thing. The involvement of local entrepreneurs should be noted. The mining contractor must give a portion of local entrepreneurs so that there is equality. So I hope this is the focus that Eramet talks about with BASF," Bahlil said.In response, Pierre expressed his readiness to increase the involvement of regional entrepreneurs in running their businesses. He also asked for support from the Ministry of Investment/BKPM to accelerate the management of land conservation permits.The Ministry of Investment/BKPM had previously facilitated the land issue of the Sonic Bay project in the IWIP Industrial Estate related to the approval of the Forest Area Release from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK).In addition, Pierre also proposed cooperation between Indonesia, France, Germany, and the European Union in the framework of the G20. This is done to support global partnerships to realize sustainable integration of strategic mineral resources."Perhaps our project with BASF can serve as a concrete example in the global partnership of mineral resources," Pierre added.For information, Eramet is a mineral resource mining and mineral processing company from France and is one of the largest mining companies in the world. Eramet's business lines include mining nickel, manganese, and lithium minerals; and research and development of alloys.Eramet itself is known to have collaborated with Antam since 1998 through a subsidiary called Strand Minerals to establish a company on behalf of PT Weda bay Nickel in Teluk Weda.The development of Eramet's operations in Weda Bay is also in collaboration with Tsingshan, the world's largest stainless steel producer, with a target of mining operation production capacity of 35,000 tons of nickel per year.Image source: Bisnis - Himawan L NugrahaSource:
02 Nov 2022, 10:00 AM

PT Vale's Nickel Production Increases in the Third Quarter of 2022
PT Vale's Nickel production in the third quarter of 2022 (3T22) increased. This was revealed through the announcement of the financial performance achievements of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (PT Vale or INCO) and its subsidiaries on Thursday, October 27, 2022.PT Vale's financial performance was reportedly unaudited for the third quarter of 2022. The Company recorded production of 17,513 metric tons ("t") of nickel in matte, and sales of US$309.2 million in the quarter."I am pleased to report on the favorable third quarter of 2022 with no Lost Time Injury accidents and no injuries recorded," said Febriany Eddy, CEO and President Director of the Company in a statement, Friday, October 28, 2022.Meanwhile, the average realization of nickel prices in the first nine months of this year was 41% higher year-on-year, pushing Revenue 27% higher in the first 9 months of 2022, compared to the same period the previous year.However, due to volatility in the market, the company said it remains cautious about nickel price fluctuations for the rest of the year.PT Vale's group cost of revenue increased from US$213.9 million in 2Q22 to US$258.4 million in 3Q22, primarily driven by higher energy costs and royalties.When compared to the 2nd quarter of this year, the use of coal per metric ton of nickel in matte decreased by 28%.This decrease in coal consumption was offset by the use of 40% higher HSFO permetric tons of natural matte nickel in the same period.In response to the sharp increase in coal prices, after conducting a careful analysis, the Company decided to divert energy sources for burners from coal to HSFO in September 2022.That way, the company is expected to incur lower energy costs than if it continues to use coal.During the period, both HSFO, diesel and coal prices rose by 12%, 20% and 14%, respectively.According to the report, PT Vale's EBITDA in 3Q22 was US$103.0 million, 37% lower than EBITDA in 2Q22 of US$163.4 million, due to the realization of lower nickel prices.The company's cash and cash equivalents as of September 30, 2022 were US$624.3 million; 7% higher than cash and cash equivalents as of June 30, 2022 of US$585.9 million.PT Vale then incurred capital expenditures of approximately US$29.9 million in the quarter, down from US$35.9 million in 2Q22."We expect to spend US$130 million for the whole of 2022," he explained.Production projections for 2022 have been revised to a range of 61,000 t – 62,000 t, lower than previously targeted, mainly due to delays in the completion of the Furnace4 Rebuild project."The companywill strive to optimize production in the last quarter of this year while increasing productivity and operational cost efficiency. In doing so, we will not compromise our core values: Salvation of life is paramount, Respect for the preservation of the earth and our communities," he said. RedImage source: PT Vale IndonesiaSource:
02 Nov 2022, 09:00 AM

Bayan Resources Net Profit soars 150 Percent to IDR 25.3 Trillion
Coalissuer owned by Low Tuck Kwong conglomerate PT Bayan Resources Tbk. (BYAN) recorded an increase in performance until the third quarter of 2022.Low Tuck Kwong is the third richest person in Indonesia with a fortune of US$ 9.7 billion or around Rp. 150.7 trillion, according to Forbes Real Time Billionaires data on Friday, October 28, 2022. Kwong only lost toDjarum Group Boss Michael and Budi Hartono with a fortune of US$22.9 billion and US$22 billion, respectively.BYAN recorded revenue of US$ 3.34 billion until the third quarter of 2022 or equivalent to IDR 52.14 trillion (Jisdor exchange rate of IDR 15,573 per US dollar). This revenue increased by 91.42 percent compared to the third quarter of 2021 which was US$ 1.74 billion.Bayan Resources' revenue was supported by coalrevenuewhich rose 91.5 percent to US$ 3.34 billion by the end of September 2022, from US$ 1.74 billion compared to the same period last year.Meanwhile, BYAN's non-coal revenue also increased to US$ 5.93 million, from US$ 3.82 million yoy.BYAN recorded a 37.9 percent increase in cost of goods to US$927.5 million, from US$672.6 million on an annual basis.BYAN's gross profit also recorded a jump of 124.87 percent from US$ 1.07 billion in the third quarter of 2021, to US$ 2.42 billion in the third quarter of 2022.BYAN's net profit soared 150.25 percent to US$ 1.62 billion or equivalent to IDR 25.3 trillion. This net profit soared from US$ 650.3 million on an annual basis or year on year (yoy).Until the end of September 2022, BYAN's total assets were recorded to have increased to US$ 3.25 billion, from US$ 2.43 billion at the end of December 2021.BYAN's total liabilities were also recorded to increase to US$804 million at the end of the third quarter of 2022, from US$570 million at the end of 2021.Likewise, BYAN's total equity rose to US$2.45 billion on September 30, 2022, from US$1.86 billion on December 31, 2021.Image source: ForbesSource:
02 Nov 2022, 08:00 AM

MNC Energy (IATA) Reveals New Findings of Coal Reserves
Coal reserves of PT MNC Energy Investments Tbk (IATA) increased to 332 million metric tons (MT) or an increase of 78.6 million MT from 253.4 million MT. The increase was based on a report by the Indonesian Mineral Reserves Committee (KCMI) from drilling two coal mines owned by IATA's subsidiaries.In more detail, PT Arthaco Prima Energy (APE) found reserves of 178.6 million MT with GAR 2,500-3,250 kg per kcal in the APE Phase 1-4 drilling program on an area of 2,670 hectares (ha).With these new findings, APE has only reached 17.8% of the total area that can be mined on an area of 15,000 ha in Musi Banyuasin, South Sumatra. Phase 5 APE drilling is scheduled to be completed in the second quarter of 2023.In addition, 9.1 million MT of coal reserves with GAR 3,400-3,600 kg per kcal were also found in the IUP of PT Bhumi Sriwijaya Perdana Coal - South (BSPC-S) from an area of 2,158 ha.Of the 72,478 ha of total mining area owned by MNC Energy, 59,035 ha of which are still in the exploration process. Thus, MNC Energy believes that proven reserves will continue to increase, reaching at least 600 million MT for all IUPs.If calculated using the average Reference Coal Price (HBA) from 2021 to October 2022 of US$ 190.32 per ton, APE mining activities have anet present value (NPV) of US$ 881.4 million. At the same time, APE has aninternal rate of return (IRR) of 63.2%, a break even point (BEP) of 10.8 million MT, anda payback periodof 2.17 years.Meanwhile, BPSC-S is expected to generate an NPV of US$ 54.3 million, with an IRR of 57.3%, a BEP of 1.6 million MT, anda payback periodof 1.97 years.Just a reminder, this issuer coded IATA shares has begun to increase capital with pre-emptive rights (HMETD) ora rights issueworth IDR 2.67 trillion. This corporate action will be carried out by issuing a maximum of 14.84 billion series B shares, with an exercise price of IDR 180 per share. The ratio is 10:13, namely 10 shares owned by investors are entitled to 13 pre-emptive rights.In addition, the company will provide additional rights by issuing a maximum of 2.96 billion series I warrants.Image source: PerseroanSource:
28 Oct 2022, 11:00 AM

MNC (IATA) Scores Profit of IDR 651.7 Billion
Mnc Group's coal issuer, PT MNC Energy Investments Tbk. (IATA), posted an increase in net profit of 344.75 percent on an annual basis during the first nine months of 2022. This increase was supported by strong coal demand even though the price has been flat.Throughout January-September 2022, IATA collected a net profit of US$ 44.95 million or around IDR 651.77 billion (exchange rate of IDR 14,500). This value is 344.75 percent higher than the net profit for the same period last year of US$10.11 million.The increase in net profit cannot be separated from the surge in revenue of 182.89 percent from US$ 48.65 million or around IDR 705.42 billion in January-September 2021 to US$ 137.62 million which is equivalent to IDR 1.99 trillion.Meanwhile, in the third quarter of 2022, IATA posted a revenue performance of US$ 53.97 million, up 117.61 percent yoy from US$ 24.80 million in the third quarter of 2021."The soaring performance of IATA is the result of the Company's strategic steps to shift its business focus to a company engaged in energy and investment, by acquiring PT Bhakti Coal Resources," IATA management wrote in a press release, Monday (24/10/2022).BCR is the holding company that manages eight Mining Business Permits (IUP) in Musi Banyuasin, South Sumatra. A total of three IUPs are already in the production stage and the other IUP is targeted to operate in stages starting next year.By the end of September 2022, IATA had produced more than 3 million tons of coal. The volume is 64.1 percent higher than last year's 1.8 million tons.IATA targets to produce 10 million tons by 2023. Production volumes are expected to continue to increase as proven reserves from exploration increase."IATA is optimistic that coal reserves for all IUPs will reach at least 600 million tons," the company added.As of the end of September 2022, IATA has sold 2.9 million tons of coal. Sales are expected to increase after BCR signs a long-term purchase contract with a coal trader.IATA management estimates that it can pocket an additional revenue of US$108.42 million from these contracts and will continue to expand contracts in the future. In addition, IATA will also look for opportunities for acquisitions of new mines and assess other prospects related to renewable energy.The coal business is seen as still having a positive outlook, amid the continuation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and plans to cut oil production by 2 million per barrel per day by OPEC members. IATA management said cheap alternative energy sources will still be sought after, including coal. Coal prices, although they have fallen from their highs, are still holding above US$50 at US$55.83, 31.58 percent higher since early 2022.Image source: Bisnis.comSource:
28 Oct 2022, 09:00 AM

ABM Investama (ABMM) Optimistic that Revenue Can Reach US$ 1.5 Billion in 2022
Towards the end of the year, PT ABM Investama Tbk (ABMM) is increasingly optimistic that revenue in 2022 can exceed the initial target. ABMM Director Adrian Erlangga estimates that ABMM's consolidated revenue could be close to US$ 1.5 billion by the end of this year."(The increase in income) is due to the volume of work and the increase in coal prices," Adrian told on Sunday (23/10).Just so you know, previously ABMM set a revenue target of US$ 900 million - US$ 1.10 billion for 2022. This amount is close to the realization of ABMM's revenue in 2021 which reached US$ 1.01 billion.Dus, according to a rough count of, if ABMM succeeds in scoring revenue of US$ 1.5 billion this year, the increase in the company's revenue will be close to 46.79% compared to the realization in 2021.In addition to setting revenue targets, ABMM also sets a number of operational performance targets. In the coal mining business line, ABMM is eyeing coal production and sales volumes of 13 million-14 million tons each.In 2021, the realization of ABMM's coal production volume amounted to 13.22 million tons, while the realization of sales volume amounted to 13.53 million tons.In the mining contract business line, ABMM set a stripping and removal target aka stripping and overburden removal of 180 million - 200 million bcm by 2022, while the target of leasing equipment for coal extraction is targeted to be equivalent to 30 million-35 million tons of coal.Previously, the realization of ABMM stripping and overburden removal in 2021 amounted to 178.56 million bcm, while the realization of equipment rental for taking ABMM i coal in 2021 reached the equivalent of 30.61 million tons.Until the end of the year, ABMM is still pursuing the same operational target. Adrian did not specify how much the realization of ABMM's operational performance so far. What is clear is that he ensures that the realization of ABMM's operational performance is still in line with the target."The weather is indeed very challenging. But we continue to strive so that all targets can be achieved. Hopefully, all operations will remain safe and be carried out," said Adrian.In addition to maintaining performance to be in line with the target, ABMM also oversees the expansion agenda. In September 2022, ABMM through its indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary, PT Radhika Jananta Raya, effectively acquired 1.76 billion shares or equivalent to 30% of GEMS shares. The acquisition value reached US$ 420 million."(The realization of ABMM's capital expenditure/capex) is close to US$ 600 million including the acquisition of 30% of the shares in GEMS," Adrian said without specifying the details of the capex realization.During January-June 2022, ABMM has posted revenues of US$ 652.20 million, an increase of 51.81% compared to the realization of January-June 2021 of US$ 429.60 million.From the revenue, ABMM pocketed a profit for the current period attributable to the owners of the parent entity aka net profit of US$ 95.48 million in January-June 2022. This amount increased by 73.69% compared to ABMM's net profit in the first semester of 2021 which was US$ 54.97 million.Image source: KONTAN/Dimas Andi ShadewoSource:
28 Oct 2022, 08:00 AM

Mitrabahtera (MBSS) Net Profit Jumps 178%
PT Mitrabahtera Segara Sejati Tbk (MBSS) posted revenue of USD 63.41 million during January-September 2022. An increase from the achievement of the same period last year of US$ 53.76 million.Meanwhile, the net profit for the current period attributable to owners of the parent entity reached US$ 11.5 million until the third quarter of 2022. An increase of 178.45% from the achievement over the nine months of last year which amounted to US$ 4.13 million.In the financial report until the third quarter of 2022, MBSS posted direct expenses of USD 45.48 million. Meanwhile, until the third quarter of last year, this coal shipping issuer recorded a direct load of US$ 42.75 million.The company's gross profit during January-September this year was US$ 17.93 million, an increase from US$ 11 million.Profit before tax was US$ 12.38 million, while in the nine-month period last year the figure was only US$ 4.59 million.Net profit for the current period reached US$ 11.93 million. Up considerably from the same period in 2021 which amounted to US$ 4.59 million.Mbss' total assets as of September 30, 2022 amounted to US$ 203.62 million, an increase compared to December 31, 2021, which was US$ 177.63 million.The company's lialibility until September 30, 2022 reached US$ 26 million, a sharp jump from December 31, 2021, which was only US$ 8.5 million.Image source: Ilustrasi/PerseroanSource:


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